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If you want to lift yourself up Lift up someone else, Booker Taliaferro Washington, calligraphic text, quotes about teamwork, Booker Taliaferro Washington quotes, inspiration, business quotes
0 557 678
Everything has beauty but not everyone sees it, Confucius, popular quotes, purple background, beauty quotes
0 794 646
He who would travel happily must travel light, 4k, violet brick wall, Antoine de Saint-Exupery Quotes, neon text, inspiration, Antoine de Saint-Exupery, quotes about travel
0 584 624
4k, Doors are for people with no imagination, quotes about imagination, Derek Landy, orange paper, popular quotes, inspiration, Derek Landy quotes
0 565 699
Dont be afraid to give up the good to go for the great, John Davison Rockefeller quotes, motivation, business quotes, metallic art
0 652 868
Dont stop when youre tired, stop when youre done, minimalism, motivation quotes, gray background, popular quotes
0 1386 1 479
Complete abstinence is easier than perfect moderation, Augustine of Hippo, grunge metal text, quotes about abstinence, Augustine of Hippo quotes, inspiration, violet fabric background
0 608 773
Everything you can imagine is real, Pablo Picasso, calligraphic text, quotes about creativity, Pablo Picasso quotes, inspiration, artwork background
0 778 871
Do one thing every day that scares you, Eleanor Roosevelt quotes, green background, minimalism, popular quotes, motivation
1 760 824
4k, The dreamers are the saviors of the world, quotes about dreamers, James Allen, green paper, popular quotes, inspiration, James Allen quotes
0 547 539
Change is the only constant in life Ones ability to adapt to those changes will determine your success in life, Benjamin Franklin quote, retro style, portrait, quotes of american presidents
0 949 1 412
The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt, Sylvia Plath, calligraphic text, quotes about creativity, Sylvia Plath quotes, inspiration, black arrows background
0 717 596