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Talent wins games But teamwork and intelligence win championships, Michael Jordan, calligraphic text, quotes about teamwork, Michael Jordan quotes, inspiration
0 686 855
If I have seen further It is by standing on the shoulders of giants, Isaac Newton, calligraphic text, quotes about life, Isaac Newton quotes, inspiration, landscape background
0 690 680
Satisfaction lies in the effort Not in the attainment, Mahatma Gandhi, calligraphic text, quotes about satisfaction, Mahatma Gandhi quotes, inspiration, artwork background
0 629 645
Learn the rules like a pro So you can break them like an artist, Pablo Picasso, calligraphic text, quotes about creativity, Pablo Picasso quotes, inspiration, artwork background
0 623 1 002
If everyone is moving forward together Then success takes care of itself, Henry Ford, calligraphic text, quotes about teamwork, Henry Ford quotes, inspiration, business quotes
0 574 880
The whole is other than the sum of the parts, Kurt Koffka, calligraphic text, quotes about targets, Kurt Koffka quotes, inspiration, business quotes
0 541 786
4k, It may be that those who do most Dream most, quotes about dreams, Stephen Butler Leacock, brown paper, popular quotes, inspiration, Stephen Butler Leacock quotes
0 583 611
None of us is as smart as all of us, Ken Blanchard, calligraphic text, quotes about teamwork, Ken Blanchard quotes, inspiration, business quotes
0 611 774
Politeness is the poison of collaboration, Edwin Land, calligraphic text, quotes about teamwork, Edwin Land quotes, inspiration, business quotes
0 646 610
Creativity takes courage, Henri Matisse, calligraphic text, quotes about creativity, Henri Matisse quotes, inspiration, artwork background
0 610 848
If you want to lift yourself up Lift up someone else, Booker Taliaferro Washington, calligraphic text, quotes about teamwork, Booker Taliaferro Washington quotes, inspiration, business quotes
0 557 719
Everything you can imagine is real, Pablo Picasso, calligraphic text, quotes about creativity, Pablo Picasso quotes, inspiration, artwork background
0 778 898