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4k, To live will be an awfully big adventure, typography, quotes about life, Peter Pan quotes, popular quotes, gray retro background, inspiration, Peter Pan
0 708 717
Life itself is a haphazard Untidy Messy affair, Dorothy Day, calligraphic text, quotes about life, Dorothy Day quotes, inspiration, purple artwork background
0 625 483
Make each day your masterpiece, white 3d art, quotes about life, popular quotes, inspiration, white background
1 610 471
If you are going through hell Keep going, Winston Churchill, grunge metal text, quotes about life, Winston Churchill quotes, inspiration, blue fabric background
0 851 962
Wherever life plants you bloom with grace, French Proverb, quotes about life, popular quotes, metal creative art
0 691 530
4k, Each day provides its own gifts, typography, quotes about life, Marcus Aurelius quotes, popular quotes, blue retro background, inspiration, Marcus Aurelius
0 671 632
4k, He who is not a good servant will not be a good master, typography, quotes about life, Plato quotes, popular quotes, gray retro background, inspiration, Plato
0 513 615
Learn from yesterday live for today hope for tomorrow, Albert Einstein quotes, metallic art, popular quotes, gray background, motivation, quotes about life
0 692 724
4k, I try not to worry about things I cant do anything about, quotes about life, Christopher Walken, black paper, popular quotes, inspiration, Christopher Walken quotes
0 537 501
4k, You can destroy your now by worrying about tomorrow, quotes about life, Janis Joplin, purple paper, popular quotes, inspiration, Janis Joplin quotes
0 524 469
We are twice armed if we fight with faith, Plato, grunge metal text, quotes about life, Plato quotes, inspiration, brown fabric background
0 608 634
To say goodbye is to die a little, 4k, violet brick wall, Raymond Chandler Quotes, neon text, inspiration, Raymond Chandler, quotes about life
2 711 594