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Study the past if you would divine the future, Confucius, stylish art, creative, quotes about the past, motivation, Confucius quotes
0 1232 1 212
We know what we are but know not what we may be, William Shakespeare quotes, stylish art, quotes about people, inspiration, quotes from great people, Shakespeare
1 730 1 033
The price of greatness is responsibility, Winston Churchill, blue stylish background, quotes of great people, quotes about greatness
0 1415 1 177
There are no secrets that time does not reveal, Jean Racine quotes, green stylish background, art, quotes about motivation, inspiration, quotes about secrets
1 738 874
I am a slow walker but I never walk back, Abraham Lincoln, inspirational quote, quotes of great people, quotes with motivation, quotes about moving forward, Lincoln quotes, inspiration
0 784 755
Try to be a rainbow in someones cloud, Maya Angelou quotes, art, inspiration, quotes about relationships, motivation, stylish art, creative art
0 917 976
Not knowing anything is the sweetest life, Sophocles, Greek philosophers quotes, creative art, inspiration, motivation, brown stylish background, art, Sophocles quotes
0 636 655
It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop, Confucius, quotes with motivation, inspiration, Confucius quotes, creative art
0 708 1 011
Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly, Robert Kennedy quotes, inspiration quotes, typography, art
0 714 474
In order to carry a positive action we must develop here a positive vision, Dalai Lama, green background, art, motivation quotes, inspiration, Dalai Lama quotes
0 902 728
Believe you can and youre halfway there, Theodore Roosevelt quotes, quotes of great people, Creative art style, brown background, motivation quotes, inspiration, Theodore Roosevelt
0 1079 971
All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them, Walt Disney, creative art, dream quotes, orange background, Walt Disney quotes, top motivational quotes, art
0 1106 1 193