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When everything seems to be going against you remember that the airplane takes off against the wind not with it, Henry Ford, motivation, inspiration, creative art, blue background, Henry Ford Quotes, quotes about overcoming problems
3 926 1 123
When you have a dream youve got to grab it and never let go, Carol Burnett, 4k, art, quotes about dreams, motivation, inspiration, creative green background, Carol Burnett quotes, typography
0 753 616
for every problem there is a solution which is simple neat and wrong, Henry Louis Mencken, quotes about problem solving, Mencken quotes, inspiration, motivation, creative art
0 912 836
We are most alive when we were in love, John Updike, quotes about love, blue background, creative art, inspiration, John Updike quotes
0 617 515
The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today, Jackson Brown, creative art, wallpaper with quotes, motivation quotes, typography, inspiration, blue background
1 2738 1 456
A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself, Jim Morrison, 4k, quotes about friends, creative art, colorful letters, Jim Morrison quotes, inspiration
1 1027 686
Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it, motivation quotes, Henry David Thoreau, blue background, Thoreau quotes
0 822 646
Instant gratification takes too long, Carrie Fisher quote, blue background, creative, famous expressions
0 759 721
Hate is the Anger of the Weak, 4k, artwork, Alphonse Daudet, purple background, famous expressions
1 1029 709
Your only limit is you, creative art, motivation, quote, inspiration, art
0 1094 918
Stop Talking Start Doing, quote, motivation, art, inspiration
0 1009 880
Better things are coming, quote, motivation, inspiration, creative art
0 1024 1 008