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I am not a product of my circumstances I am a product of my decisions, 4k, business quotes, Stephen Covey, motivation, inspiration
0 804 629
The best revenge is massive success, 4k, business quotes, Frank Sinatra, motivation, inspiration
0 877 719
There are no traffic jams along the extra mile, 4k, business quotes, Roger Staubach, motivation, inspiration
0 712 595
A mind is like a parachute It doesnt work if it isnt open, 4k, business quotes, Frank Zappa, motivation, inspiration
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Champions keep playing until they get it right, 4k, business quotes, Billie Jean King, motivation, inspiration
0 769 505
Independence is happiness, 4k, business quotes, Susan Brownell Anthony, motivation, inspiration
0 806 487
Good is the enemy of great, 4k, business quotes, Jim Collins, motivation, inspiration
0 945 618
If you have knowledge let others light their candles in it, 4k, business quotes, Margaret Fuller, motivation, inspiration
0 733 647
Today a reader tomorrow a leader, 4k, business quotes, Margaret Fuller, motivation, inspiration
0 855 910
Man is free at the instant he wants to be, 4k, business quotes, Voltaire, motivation, inspiration
0 763 697
A penny saved is a penny earned, Benjamin Franklin Quotes, money quotes, business, 4k, metal texture
0 1104 965
People only see what they are prepared to see, Ralph Waldo Emerson quotes, metal texture, 4k, motivation
0 758 981