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The crisis of today is the joke of tomorrow, 4k, business quotes, Herbert George Wells, motivation, inspiration
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Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning, 4k, business quotes, Bill Gates, motivation, inspiration
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Find people who will make you better, Michelle Obama quotes, motivation, inspiration, 4k, metal texture, quotes about people
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Success is not a good teacher, failure makes you humble, Shah Rukh Khan quotes, 4k, motivation, success quotes
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The giving of love is an education in itself, Eleanor Roosevelt quotes, inspiration, quotes on education, 4k
0 862 705
If you would like to know the value of money try to borrow some, 4k, business quotes, Benjamin Franklin, motivation, inspiration
0 831 653
Speak the truth but leave immediately after, 4k, business quotes, Slovenian Proverb, motivation, inspiration
0 757 558
Choose people who lift you up, Michelle Obama quotes, 4k, motivation, metal texture
0 762 704
A good teacher is a determined person, Gilbert Highet quotes, 4k, motivation, inspiration, quotes about teachers
0 1127 987
The problem with the rat race is that even if you win, youre still a rat, 4k, business quotes, Lilly Tomlin, motivation, inspiration
0 722 615
What we think we become, Buddha quotes, 4k, inspiration, Buddhism, quotes of great people, metal texture
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We wont have a society if we destroy the environment, Margaret Mead quotes, quotes about ecology, environment, save Earth
1 1408 984