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There is no security on the earth, there is only opportunity, 4k, business quotes, Douglas MacArthur, motivation, inspiration
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Humor is mankinds greatest blessing, Mark Twain quotes, quotes about humor, 4k, wallpaper with a quote, great writers
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Early to bed and early to rise probably indicates unskilled labor, 4k, business quotes, John Ciardi, motivation, inspiration
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Hire character Train skill, 4k, business quotes, Peter Schutz, motivation, inspiration
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Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion, 4k, business quotes, Cyril Northcote Parkinson, motivation, inspiration
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Winning is habit Unfortunately so is losing, Vince Lombardi quotes, quotes about winners, motivation, 4k, metal texture
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The true entrepreneur is a doer not a dreamer, 4k, business quotes, Nolan Bushnell, motivation, inspiration
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The only source of knowledge is experience, Albert Einstein quotes, quotes about experience, motivation, quotes of great people, 4k
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You miss 100 percent of the shots you dont take, 4k, business quotes, Wayne Gretzky, motivation, inspiration
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Victory goes to the player who makes the next to last mistake, 4k, business quotes, Savielly Grigorievitch Tartakower, motivation, inspiration
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Peace comes from within Do not seek it without, Buddha quotes, motivation, inspiration, 4k, quotes about peace
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