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You are not your resume, you are your work, 4k, business quotes, Seth Godin, motivation, inspiration
0 753 1 005
You must either modify your dreams or magnify your skills, 4k, business quotes, Jim Rohn, motivation, inspiration
0 761 779
You are not rich until you have something that money cant buy, Garth Brooks, wallpaper quotes, motivation, inspiration, quotes about wealth, 4k, iron plate
3 1366 1 499
If you want to lift yourself up lift up someone else, 4k, business quotes, Booker Taliaferro Washington, motivation, inspiration
0 773 875
If there is no struggle there is no progress, 4k, business quotes, Frederick Douglas, motivation, inspiration
0 744 864
One finds limits by pushing them, 4k, business quotes, Herbert Simon, motivation, inspiration
0 796 841
If opportunity doesnt knock build a door, 4k, business quotes, Milton Berle, motivation, inspiration
0 737 836
Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler, 4k, business quotes, Albert Einstein, motivation, inspiration
0 791 987
We cant help everyone but everyone can help someone, 4k, business quotes, Ronald Reagan, motivation, inspiration
0 735 867
Everything has beauty but not everyone can see, 4k, business quotes, Confucius, motivation, inspiration
0 773 869
If you see a bandwagon its too late, 4k, business quotes, James Goldsmith, motivation, inspiration
0 735 869
The successful warrior is the average man with laserlike focus, 4k, business quotes, Bruce Lee, motivation, inspiration
0 904 1 038